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Affordable 101

In this webinar Attorney Anna McCormack covers how to understand Affordable and Subsidized Housing Programs in Oregon. 

Navigating affordable and subsidized housing programs can be complex for landlords and property managers. This webinar offers a practical overview of the most common programs Oregon landlords participate in, providing insights into their key features and requirements.

While this session won’t cover every nuance or detail of these programs—due to the varied factors influencing property requirements—it will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to approach these programs with confidence.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Gain a general understanding of common affordable and subsidized housing programs in Oregon.
  • Learn where to find the specific rules and regulations that apply to your property.
  • Explore essential lease-up considerations to ensure compliance and success.

Whether you’re new to affordable housing or seeking a refresher, this webinar is designed to help you navigate these programs more effectively. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and support your residents!

Non-Member Price: $60
Member Price: $45