Celebrating Emerging Leaders: The "20 on the Rise" Program by NAA

Posted By: Kristen Davies ASPIRE, Industry News,

In the dynamic world of multifamily housing, innovation and leadership often come from the most

 unexpected places. Recognizing the rising stars in our industry, the National Apartment Association (NAA) has launched "20 on the Rise." This initiative spotlights emerging professionals who are making significant strides and reshaping the future of multifamily housing.

What is the "20 on the Rise" Program?

The "20 on the Rise" program is an annual recognition by NAA, designed to honor twenty individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, innovation, and commitment to the multifamily housing industry. These emerging professionals are not just excelling in their roles but are also setting new standards and contributing to the growth and evolution of the industry.

Why Celebrate Emerging Leaders?
Celebrating emerging leaders is crucial for several reasons:
  1. Innovation: Emerging professionals bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that can drive the industry forward.
  2. Inspiration: Recognizing their achievements can inspire peers and younger generations to pursue careers in multifamily housing.
  3. Diversity: Highlighting a diverse group of leaders helps to promote inclusivity and varied viewpoints within the industry.
  4. Future Growth: By nurturing emerging talent, we ensure the sustained growth and development of the multifamily housing sector.
Meet the Rising Stars:

Each year, the "20 on the Rise" program selects a diverse group of emerging professionals from across the country. These individuals are chosen based on their accomplishments, leadership qualities, and potential to influence the future of the industry. Their stories are a testament to the impact that emerging leaders can have when given the opportunity to shine.

The Selection Process:

The selection process for the "20 on the Rise" program is rigorous and thorough. Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an NAA member.
  • Have 10 years or less experience in rental housing.
  • Be employed full-time in the rental housing industry.
  • Demonstrate a meaningful impact at their workplace.

Candidates are nominated by their peers, mentors, or employers and are evaluated on these criteria to ensure they are truly making a difference in the industry.

Impact on the Industry:

The impact of the "20 on the Rise" program extends beyond individual recognition. It fosters a culture of excellence and encourages all professionals within the industry to strive for greatness. By highlighting the achievements of these emerging leaders, NAA promotes a forward-thinking mindset that benefits the entire multifamily housing community.

How to Get Involved:

If you know an emerging professional who deserves to be recognized, consider nominating them for next year’s "20 on the Rise" program. By doing so, you help to acknowledge their hard work and dedication while also contributing to the overall advancement of the industry.

The "20 on the Rise" program by NAA is more than just an award; it’s a celebration of the vibrant future of multifamily housing. By recognizing and nurturing emerging talent, we pave the way for continued innovation and excellence in our industry. Let’s celebrate these rising stars and support them as they lead us into a brighter future.

Nominate Today

Stay updated with the latest news and updates from NAA and learn more about the "20 on the Rise" program by visiting NAA's official website. Celebrate the achievements of these emerging leaders and get inspired by their stories!