Photo of Rodda - Miller Paint

Rodda - Miller Paint

(503) 319-2716

Organization Overview

Rodda is the largest family-owned paint manufacturer in the NW. Our paint has been made in Portland, OR since 1932! We recognize the value of long-term, experienced and well-trained employees. We look forward to setting up a paint program designed for your company!

Call us for an interior paint program specific to your company needs, exterior projects and bids. We also sell Hunter Douglas window coverings and all wallpaper.

Thanks for buying local! We have 60 stores throughout OR, WA, ID, MT and AK!

Member-to-Member Discount

Regional Account Contract
Volume discounts and incentives for property management companies and related vendors.
Dawn Hirschfelt
Dawn Hirschfelt Business Development Manager
Jason Stupfel Property Management Specilist
Justin Swift Sales Representative - Salem / Albany
Rob Martin Sales Representative - Eastside
MFNW Logo Industry Partner

Offers COVID-19 Related Services
COVID-Related Services
We offer free delivery and curbside pick-up. We also make and sell hand sanitizer.
Areas of Expertise
Paint, Paint/Painting Services