Photo of PG Long Floorcovering, LLC

PG Long Floorcovering, LLC

(503) 284-5727

Organization Overview

PG Long has roots that span 50+ years and four generations, offering customers full service flooring solutions that includes floor covering, floor cleaning and restoration services. PG Long opened for business in 1989 and has since become known as a locally-owned floor covering experts that are honest and does business with high integrity. PG Long is made up of a team of passionate people that offers innovative solutions for their customers with quality results.
Tyler Long Principal and CEO
Angelo Santiago
Aysha Martin Events Coordinator/Social Media Specialist
Brent Ellifritz
Brent Ellifritz President
Conor Murphy
David Brooks
Dusty Long
Jon Girt
Josh Henson
Justin Tomlin
Noah Sanchez
Paul Long
Randy Camat Vice President of Marketing
Shane Long
Willy Kumle
MFNW Logo Industry Partner

Offers COVID-19 Related Services
COVID-Related Services
Disinfect floor cleaning
Areas of Expertise
Carpet & Flooring, Restoration & Remodeling