Recognition of Industry Excellence Month
Q. What is it?
A. Instead of the traditional ACE awards, we are dedicating a month to recognizing industry excellence in 2020. Members are encouraged to submit stories, photos and recognition of their staff and communities that have really shined this year despite all the hurdles presented. Through November and December, the ACE committee will be recognizing these all-stars on MFNW social media, blog and in eBlasts. We cannot wait to feature your 2020 Best of the Best and recognize their outstanding accomplishments this year.
Q. Who can participate?
A. Open to all current MFNW members - Property Management and Supplier side alike.
Q: How much does it cost for each submission?
A: Submissions are FREE for the 2020 Recognition of Industry Excellence Month.
Q. How do I participate?
A. Use the Recognition of Industry Excellence Submission Form and recognize your people, teams, properties or companies that you feel deserve recognition. Please only submit one person/team/community/company per form. Limit of 10 submissions per company.
Q. Can I submit myself or my company for our achievements?
A. That depends. Individuals and Supplier companies cannot submit themselves, however Property Management companies can submit their own teams, employees, and properties.
Q. I am with a Supplier company, how can we get recognized?
A. Customers and peers are welcome to submit Supplier companies for recognition. Suppliers are prohibited from submitting their own companies to prevent this being used as a marketing platform.
Q. What are the requirements to be recognized?
A. That’s the best part – it’s up to you! This year has been unlike any other, and the ways that people shine doesn’t necessarily fit the old criteria. We wanted to leave it up to you to decide who deserves some kudos without boxing it into specific categories or criteria. This is not a contest. It is a chance to recognize those who deserve a thank you for their efforts.
Q. I submitted, now what?
A. Recognition will start on Monday, November 16th and will be displayed on various member-reaching platforms from Multifamily NW including social media, eBlasts, and blog articles. MFNW staff will reach out to the submitter and the person being recognized to let them know when and how they will be displayed. Recognition period will run from Monday, November 16th through Friday, December 18th.