2024 Election Recap for Multifamily NW Endorsements
Thank you to all members who voted in this pivotal election! Multifamily NW focused our Voters Guide on the Oregon Legislature and local city of Portland and Multnomah County races – positions that have the most sway on housing policies for the majority of our members. Overall, we’re elated that our ballot measure and candidate endorsements prevailed 53 out of 64, or 82.8%. In Multnomah County and the City of Portland, our endorsements didn’t fare quite as well compared to the legislative races. Several races are still too close to call. Portland’s four city council races, that each select three winners, are still not completely known yet either. We’ll update as more of our endorsed races are confirmed.
Oregon Senate & Oregon House
We had a 97% success rate in our endorsements for the Oregon Legislature. 11 out of 11 for the Oregon Senate and 34 or 35 for the Oregon House.
Oregon Senate |
District 1 |
District 5 |
District 9 |
District 12 |
District 14 |
District 21 |
District 22 |
District 25 |
District 27 |
District 29 |
District 30 |
Oregon House |
District 1 |
District 2 |
District 5 |
District 6 |
District 8 |
District 9 |
District 10 |
District 11 |
District 15 |
District 17 |
District 18 |
District 20 |
District 21 |
District 22 |
District 23 |
District 24 |
District 25 |
District 27 |
District 30 |
District 31 |
District 32 |
District 34 |
District 36 |
District 37 |
District 38 |
District 42 |
District 44 |
District 45 |
District 46 |
District 51 |
District 52 |
District 53 |
District 54 |
District 59 |
District 60 |
Multnomah County
Unfortunately, our esteemed endorsements for Multnomah County Commission did not win their races. Meghan Moyer won the seat for District 1 and Shannon Singleton will represent District 2.
City of Portland
Multifamily NW endorsed 15 amazing candidates for Portland Mayor and new city council races. For the city council, so far only a few of them have prevailed to be ranked in the top three of each race. The mayor race was unexpected, as Portland voters did not choose our endorsed candidate for Mayor, nor any other establishment candidate – instead electing newcomer Keith Wilson. For city council so far Steve Novick for District 3 and Olivia Clark for District 4 (both Multifamily NW endorsed) are confirmed winners. We’ll update as more city of Portland races are confirmed.
Ballot Measures
Multifamily NW focused on recommendations for statewide Measure 118 that sought to impose a gross receipts tax on businesses to fund a yearly payout to Oregonians, and Portland Measure 26-253 that would have given the new Portland City Council the power to demand weatherization of buildings bulit prior to 1979. Both measures were defeated.